dilluns, 21 de març del 2011
Newspaper article
Regal Barcelona won the Copa del Rei again
On Sunday, Barça's basketball team did a great exhibition of basketball and won the Copa del Rey again. Madrid was very irregular and very bad in the last quarter of the match.
The final score was 60-68, but in the two first quarters, a tight made the match more interesting. In Madrid only two players have as much level as the Barcelona players, pivot Tomic, and base Sergio Rodriguez, but not enough to win the title of MVP from Anderson with 19 points, He was the king of the night.
With Pete Michael and Gianluca Basile’s lesions, Regal Barcelona was very sure and strongly behind.
When Barça recibed the cup, its captain, Roger Grimau, was generous and he gave the cup to Basile, because Roger wanted Basileto be the person ho lifted the cup.
Very nice are its forests
In it we find a lot of animals
And the champion of the Dakar.

Green Street Hooligans
Film Review:
Do you think the football is only a sport?
Many people don't think the same, and in this film we can see the feeling and the love of many hooligans from England for a football team.
This film is about a journalism student, Matt Buckner, who is expelled from his university and so he decides to go to lives to England for a short time, because there his sister lives. There he meets Pete, a GSE leader. GSE is a group of West Ham United hooligans. They go to see a football match between West Ham and Birmingham City. After the match there is a fight between the two hooligan groups.
Matt helps the GSE and he is attracted to this new world.
After this day Matt goes with Pete’s friends and he usually goes to fight after all the matches.
Finally, there is a big fight and Pete dies to help Matt, his sister and her child.
Matt goes back to live to the United States.
In my opinion this film is incredible and if you like it you can see the second part.
This film has got credible scenes that could happen today. I think everyone should watch it to see the other face of the football.
diumenge, 28 de novembre del 2010
The 2-6 in the Bernabeu
In the tournament Guardiola’s team was winning by two points up. But if Madrid won this match, Real Madrid could be the winner. Everybody was were betting that Real Madrid would win.
At the beginning of the match, Sergio Ramos, a Madrid’s defender scored a goal. The people from Madrid were very happy. But ten minutes later, Messi and Puyol, two Barça players, scored two consecutive goals. We were very happy but the match hadn’t finished yet.
The match finished two- six and Barcelona’s team won.
This day was, for me and for a lot of people, a remarkable day. This year Barça won the tournament thanks to this match.
dilluns, 1 de novembre del 2010
-Informative essay-

Iberian Lynx: An endangered animal
The Iberian lynx is a critically endangered species from the Iberian Peninsula in Southern Europe. It is a mammal, it belongs to feline’s group.
The Iberian Lynx is similar to a cat, but the lynx is bigger. It is 85 to 110 centimetres tall, and it has got a small tail. With the average weight of males 12.9 kilograms and females 9.4 kilograms, it usually eats rabbits and it hunt at night. The lynx waits for rabbits among the bushes, and it hunts them when they are clueless.
Before we could find lynxes in different parts of the Iberian Peninsula and sometimes in the south of France, but now we can only see lynxes in Andalusia.
The lynx only reproduces if it has its territory.
There are some organisations that work in the rescue of the lynx and other types of animals. For example, SOS Lynx, from Portugal.
Thanks to this type of help we can save this nice animal and enjoy this animal in all the Iberian Peninsula.
dissabte, 5 de juny del 2010
dissabte, 22 de maig del 2010
dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010
I didn’t take any money but I refreshed a little in that hot summer.
With six years old I caught a pneumonia and I went to hospital. When I was good, with another boy we did races in the hospital’s corridors holding medician stick. Finally, we nearly ran over a nurse. She told me and my friend not run in the corridor.
But I won the race and this is the most important thing.
dijous, 8 d’abril del 2010
Just Lose It
Just Lose It (Eminem)
Just lose it’s a song by eminem. His true name is Marshall Bruce Mathers.
The name of the group is from M and M and because of this eminem was born Marshall is called Slim Shady.
He was born on the 17th of October 1972. Now he is 37 years old. He was born in St. Joseph (Missouri), USA.
His music style is hip hop and rap. He lives in Michigan (Detroit).
He won a grami in 2002 and an oscar for the film 8 miles. This is a film and the main actor.
Just lose it’s a little old song. The song was created on 28th September in 2004. This song was been number 1 in the UK, Australia ,and New Zealand. In his song Eminem made fun of Mickeal Jackson, because he was charged with having sex with children. He made fun of celebrities.
This is the first song in which he didn’t say the word “fuck”.
I like this song because it is a little aggressive but the videoclip it’s very funny. The song is a little strange and he makes a strange noise.
In this song Slim sings very well but it hasn’t been his best song, but I picked this one because a friend had picked my favorite song ( lose yourself).
This is a good English song. I like this song too, for the base.
The videoclip of this song it’s very funny. It’s strange in many scenes and some false celebrities. In the video he is nude in a scene.
A lot of scenes are from the film 8 miles.
In conclusion, I think than Eminem is the best group in English in the world of the rap. And he has a lot of funny songs, for example, Just lose It.
But only if you know the lyrics.
dilluns, 1 de març del 2010
I will be very sociable and generous. I will consider my fans, my friends and these will be the key for my popularity.
When I am 34 years old, I will live in Los Angeles.
I will live in a huge house with a swimming pool, a gym, jacuzzi... I will have a black Porsche Carrerra GT, a blue Ferrari Enzo, a Hummer and a black and big Harley Davison.
I will live with my wife (Angelina Jolie’s daughter) and our two boys.
I will be a professional basketball player. I will play with Los Angeles Lakers. Ricky Rubio will have play in Los Angeles Lakers, and my coach will be Pau Gasol. In the t-shirt I will have number 6.
I will travel all over the world. But my favourite village will be Avià. In my free time I will play tennis, golf, and I will go to parties with the celebrities.
I will be very rich and I will have many houses in North America.
When I am retired, I will live in my favourite country Catalonia, because in these country there is my family and my people. Catalonia 2030 will be independent!
dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2010
Cooking program
Time: two days
Level: easy
INGREDIENTS (for one kg of panellets):
- 1/2 kg of flour of almond.
- 1/2 kg of sugar.
- One potato or one boiled, sweet potato.
- 100 g of pine nuts
- 1 egg
1- First, boil the potato with skin. Peel it and mash it with a fork.
2- Then, we mix almonds, the boiled potato and the sugar. Until you obtain a homagenous mass.
3- Then, We leave it to rest for two days.
4- After that, We make little balls.
5- Then, We put egg white on little balls and We put the pine nuts around them.
6- Finally, We put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 200ºC, after that you can enjoy panellets!
Name: Alec Felip Piñar, Pau Xandri i Guillem Lladós.
dilluns, 28 de desembre del 2009
diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2009
Composition 2
It was a dark and stormy night when the telephone rang. My friends and I were watching a horror film. A low voice said that we had to go to the Santa María forest at
The forest was outside the village and we walked for about 20 minutes to arrive. We heard a little noise but then we saw that it was a rabbit. We wasn’t like the situation. We arrived at the church and we saw that there anyone. Finally we returned home and continued the film very worried.
The next day at school the girls of the class laughed a lot because they had played a joke on us. We were very angry.
dijous, 5 de novembre del 2009
dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2009
1- Daily Life
My name is Pau Xandri and I am fourteen years old.
I go to study in IES Guillem de Berguedà in Berga. I live in Avià with my parents, my sister and my brother, but they are living in Barcelona because they are studying in university, Albert is studyng “ mitjans audiovisuals” and Maria INEF.
I have a dog, Negret.
I usually wake up at 7 o’clock. I have a shower, and I have breakfast.
Next, I prepare the schoolbag and go to Cal Tauler to take the bus at 7:50. And I arrive at school at 8:20.
After school I do activities for example football and tennis.
Next I have dinner, play with the PC, watch TV and I go to sleep.
My principal hobbies are playing football and tennis.
I play football in Avià, my team is good and I have a good time.
And I play tennis In Berga.
I play the saxophone too, because I like music and I like the saxophone because it is very melodical.
Other hobbies are riding on a bicycle, playing to computer, playing basketball in my garden and watching TV.