It was the end of the Spanish Football tournament, and Barça was visiting Real Madrid’s stadium.
In the tournament Guardiola’s team was winning by two points up. But if Madrid won this match, Real Madrid could be the winner. Everybody was were betting that Real Madrid would win.
At the beginning of the match, Sergio Ramos, a Madrid’s defender scored a goal. The people from Madrid were very happy. But ten minutes later, Messi and Puyol, two Barça players, scored two consecutive goals. We were very happy but the match hadn’t finished yet.
The match finished two- six and Barcelona’s team won.
This day was, for me and for a lot of people, a remarkable day. This year Barça won the tournament thanks to this match.
diumenge, 28 de novembre del 2010
dilluns, 1 de novembre del 2010
-Informative essay-

Iberian Lynx: An endangered animal
The Iberian lynx is a critically endangered species from the Iberian Peninsula in Southern Europe. It is a mammal, it belongs to feline’s group.
The Iberian Lynx is similar to a cat, but the lynx is bigger. It is 85 to 110 centimetres tall, and it has got a small tail. With the average weight of males 12.9 kilograms and females 9.4 kilograms, it usually eats rabbits and it hunt at night. The lynx waits for rabbits among the bushes, and it hunts them when they are clueless.
Before we could find lynxes in different parts of the Iberian Peninsula and sometimes in the south of France, but now we can only see lynxes in Andalusia.
The lynx only reproduces if it has its territory.
There are some organisations that work in the rescue of the lynx and other types of animals. For example, SOS Lynx, from Portugal.
Thanks to this type of help we can save this nice animal and enjoy this animal in all the Iberian Peninsula.
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